Thursday, February 27, 2014

New Blog

Hello everybody and I know I haven't been posting in a while. But school is back on and I am quite busy with that. Also, I have a new blog called This Is Inquiry it's all about innovation. As a school project we were to create a blog. In my blog I talk about how my classroom is so different than others. My teacher Ms. Henry has truly made sparks in me and my classmates.  Check it out HERE!


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Guest Blogger: Abraham

All of these amazing photos were done by my mom's cousin Abraham. He made this card for his mom and he spent so much time and effort and it turned out spectacular he really got the holiday spirit. I think it is amazing!

Thanks,               :)

Guest Blogger: Touraj

This is the card that Touraj made he was spending the Holidays with us along with others. My mom took everyone into the craft room to make cards and he loved it. But he had struggles, instead of his vision to have the lace cut in half he by mistake cut the pink heart paper in half instead but Touraj made it work into an amazing card! He also took both photos!

Thanks,         :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Three Card Trio


This card and the other three were made quite a long time ago but sense I made three I decided to put them all in one post. This doubles as a Tricky Trivia  because I want you guys to comment on this post saying card 1, 2, or 3 and try to find a card almost identical.

Card: 2

This card my mom told me to do. This is because she showed me a card on Pinterest. I liked the idea and I made this. Try to find a card like this too!

Card: 3

I have family over and we were all making cards and when I took this photo it was at a strange angle. So, Touraj (my mom's cousin) took this photo. He also made a card which I will show in my next post. Try to find a card like this!             :)


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Long Time No See

Hey everyone I am so sorry I forgot to post in a long time I am working on a card and I will post soon.

See you soon,

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Hi guys, big news! Not only am I turning ten on the 16th of August, but it is my one year anniversary!!!!!


So, for my birthday party of course my mom and I have to make invitations and the theme is giraffes so how did we do?
 I am so happy how this looks!!!  :)


So on to the anniversary part. My blog has been running for one whole year!!! So I am having a very small giving away witch includes stickers, twine, and a little paper whale. All you have to do is follow my blog and comment below saying I want in says Your Name and then I will randomly select someone to win.

Here is what you will win:
My apologies to the lighting.

Flip Flop Stickers,


and a tiny paper whale.

Thanks for stopping bye. Enter!    :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moxie Fab World: Mixy Matchy Style

Hi everyone, I have not entered in a challenge for a while and when I noticed my mom was entering.
I asked about the challenge and enter too! With this Beach card!!!!

Check Out My Card in the Moxie Fab World: Mixy Matchy Style Challenge!!!!!       :)

Thanks for stopping by!!!